Welcome to Firefly Welding
Firefly Welding are welding contractors providing pipe welding, pipeline welding and industrial pipefitting services to tier one Principal Contractors throughout the UK and Europe.
Firefly Welding provide crews and equipment for Pipe Welding, Pipeline Welding, and Industrial Pipefitting Projects. We also help clients with Weld Procedure Specifications and Welder Qualifications.
Firefly Welding has expertise in automated welding techniques using IPWL’s semi-automatic Firefly Welding Bug. Firefly Welding are the sole distributor of IPWL’s Firefly welding equipment.
During the past ten years, Firefly crews have worked on Welding Projects all over Europe – from cross country pipelines to wind farm jacket manufacture to computer chip factories to jack-up vessels.
Firefly Welding adopt a Quality Management System. Our policies and procedures help to ensure we operate in a safe manner. We believe external accreditation of our methods help to maintain and improve our standards.
Specialists in On-Site Large Bore Pipe Welding
and Industrial Pipefitting
Expertise in Semi-Automated Bug Welding Techniques
About us
Firefly Welding traces its origin to the contracting division of IPWL.
IPWL was formed in November 2007 to manufacture the Firefly welding bug. After several years of development work, the Firefly welding machine was launched.
Over time, a small crew of bug demonstrators and trainers developed into a contracting division – a welding service specialising in welding projects using the Firefly welding bug.
In 2018, the contracting division of IPWL became Firefly Welding Limited, with a separate and distinct management team.
IPWL continue to manufacture the Firefly welding bug exclusively in the UK. Firefly Welding Ltd is authorised by IPWL Limited to act as the sole distributor of the Firefly welding machine.
Latest News

Firefly employs first graduate trainee
Graduate Spotlight Firefly has employed its first graduate trainee, William Burgess. After an initial period of orientation, Will was posted to Project Arctic at Eli Lilly’s new pharmaceutical facility in Limerick, Ireland.Eli Lilly – Limerick, IrelandA Graduate's...
Get in Touch
Firefly Welding Limited
Old Station Goods Yard
Skipton Road, Cross Hills
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom BD20 7DS
+44 (0) 01535 637960